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Direktiv requires a few components to run. At least the database has to be installed before proceeding with this part of the installation.

The following is a two-step process. First Knative is installed. Knative is responsible to execute Direktiv's serverless functions. It comes pre-configured to work with Direktiv.


Knative is an essential part of Direktiv and can be installed with Knative's operator. The following command installs this operator in the default namespace.

Install Knative Operator
kubectl apply -f

After the deployment of the operator a new instance of Knative Serving can be created. Direktiv requires a certain configuration for Knative to work. There are two examples of configurations in the (Github repository). The first one is the standard configuration and the other one is an example with proxy settings.

Install Knative
kubectl create ns knative-serving
kubectl apply -f

Direktiv supports Contour as network component.

Install Contour
kubectl apply --filename

This installs Contour in two namespaces contour-internal and contour-external. The second namespace is not needed for Direktiv to run and might even block the ingress controller from getting an external IP. This can be deleted with:

Delete Contour External
kubectl delete namespace contour-external


Firstly, create a direktiv.yaml file which contains all of the database connectivity and secret information created during the database setup:

Direktiv Database Configuration
  # -- database host
  host: "direktiv-ha.postgres.svc"
  # -- database port
  port: 5432
  # -- database user
  user: "direktiv"
  # -- database password
  password: "direktivdirektiv"
  # -- database name, auto created if it does not exist
  name: "direktiv"
  # -- sslmode for database
  sslmode: require
Database Configuration (No Connection Pooling)
echo "database:
  host: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "host"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  port: $(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "port"}}' | base64 --decode)
  user: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "user"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  password: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "password"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  name: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "dbname"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  sslmode: require" > direktiv.yaml
Database Configuration (With Connection Pooling)
echo "database:
  host: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "pgbouncer-host"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  port: $(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "pgbouncer-port"}}' | base64 --decode)
  user: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "user"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  password: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "password"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  name: \"$(kubectl get secrets -n postgres direktiv-cluster-pguser-direktiv -o 'go-template={{index .data "dbname"}}' | base64 --decode)\"
  sslmode: require" > direktiv.yaml

Using this direktiv.yaml configuration, deploy the direktiv helm chart:

helm repo add fluent-bit
helm repo add direktiv
helm install -f direktiv.yaml -n direktiv direktiv direktiv/direktiv

Direktiv should now be running. Run this to get the IP of the UI:

kubectl -n direktiv get services direktiv-ingress-nginx-controller --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

For more configuration options go to Direktiv's helm charts.

Changing Logos

Direktiv can use custom logos for the UI. The only requirement is that the replacements need to be in SVG format (except the favicon). The following files are required:

  • icon-light.svg: Small light icon for mobile view.
  • icon-dark.svg: Small dark icon for mobile view.
  • logo-light.svg: Light logo for normal sized UI.
  • logo-dark.svg: Dark logo for normal sized UI.
  • favicon.png: Favicon for Direktiv UI.

The icons can be set via Direktiv's Helm chart.

Custom Logos
helm install --set-file frontend.logos.icon-light=/home/jensg/logos/icon-light.svg  \
  --set-file frontend.logos.icon-dark=/home/jensg/logos/icon-dark.svg \
  --set-file frontend.logos.logo-light=/home/jensg/logos/logo-light.svg \
  --set-file frontend.logos.logo-dark=/home/jensg/logos/logo-dark.svg \
  --set-file frontend.logos.favicon=/home/jensg/logos/favicon.png \
  -f direktiv.yaml direktiv charts/direktiv/