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EventsXor State

direktiv_api: workflow/v1
- id: a
  type: eventsXor
  timeout: PT15M
  - event:
      type: com.github.pull.create
        subject: '123'
    transition: received
      hello: world
  - event:
      type: com.github.pull.delete
        subject: '123'
    transition: received

- id: received
  type: noop


To pause the workflow and wait until one of multiple CloudEvents events is received before proceeding, the eventsXor state might be used. Any event match received will cause this state to complete.

Parameter Description Type Required
type Identifies which kind of StateDefinition is being used. In this case it must be set to eventsXor. string yes
id An identifier unique within the workflow to this one state. string yes
log If defined, the workflow will generate a log when it commences this state. See StateLogging. Structured JQ no
metadata If defined, updates the instance's metadata. See InstanceMetadata. Structured JQ no
catch Defines behaviour for handling of catchable errors. []ErrorCatchDefinition no
timeout An ISO8601 duration string. string no
events Defines the criteria by which incoming CloudEvents events are evaluated to find a match. ConsumeEventDefinition yes