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Dev Enironment

To improve function and flow development it is recommended to setup a local development environment. This section explains how to setup the development environment. Details about developing custom functions is described in this section.

Running Direktiv

As mentioned in the "Getting Started" guide there are two ways to set up a local development environment besides setting up a full Kubernetes with Direktiv. There is a Docker image and a multipass configuration. This section describes how they can be configured and used.


Setting up a development Direktiv instance on a local machine is very simple. Assuming docker is installed, run the following command:

Starting Direktiv
docker run --privileged -p 8080:80 -p 31212:31212 -d --name direktiv direktiv/direktiv-kube

This command starts direktiv as container 'direktiv'. The initial boot-time will take a few minutes. The progress can be followed with:

Direktiv Docker Logs
docker logs direktiv -f

Once all pods reach 'running' status, direktiv is ready and the URL http://localhost:8080/api/namespaces is accessible.

The database uses a persistent volume so the data stored should survive restarts with 'docker stop/start'. The port-forward of 31212 is the included docker registry.

If there is a requirement to execute kubectl commands the container can be accessed via docker exec. For convenience there is a kubectl shortcut kc and command completion is installed as well.

Accessing Shell
docker exec -it direktiv /bin/bash

kc get pods -A

Enabling Proxy

The following settings can be passed as environmental variables to use this image in environments with a proxy. This has to be done on the first startup.

Proxy Settings
docker run --privileged -p 8080:80 -p 31212:31212 --env HTTPS_PROXY="http://<proxy-address>:443" --env NO_PROXY=",,,,.svc,.default,.local,.cluster.local,localhost,.direktiv-services-direktiv" -d --name direktiv -ti direktiv/direktiv-kube


If the instance requires an API key it can be added with an environment variable as well.

Enable API Key
docker run --privileged -p 8080:80 -p 31212:31212 -e APIKEY=123 -d --name direktiv -ti direktiv/direktiv-kube

Enable Eventing

Knative Eventing is disabled by default in the Docker image but can be easily enabled during startup with EVENTING=true as environemtn variable.

Enable Eventing
docker run --privileged -p 8080:80 -p 31212:31212 -e EVENTING=true -d --name direktiv -ti direktiv/direktiv-kube


If there are issues starting nested Kubernetes it is possible to see the K3S debug logs on startup with the variable DEBUG.

Enable Eventing
docker run --privileged -p 8080:80 -p 31212:31212 -e DEBUG=true direktiv/direktiv-kube

There is always the option to use the multipass configuration if the Docker image does not work.


Multipass creates a virtual machine with Direktiv pre-configured. The configuration is different from the Docker image but all features are available to that approach as well. The cloud-init script will do the configuration during first boot and takes a few minutes to complete. Eventing is anebled by default.

Start Multipass Instance
multipass launch --cpus 4 --disk 20G --memory 6G --name direktiv --cloud-init

After startup the machine can be access with a simple command. For convenience there is a kubectl shortcut and code completion installed.

Accessing Shell
multipass exec direktiv -- /bin/bash


multipass does not work in a VPN. The VPN needs to be turned off for this example installation.

If the installation is not successful there is a cloud-init log available on the virtual machine /var/log/cloud-init-output.log to check the logs.

The instance has an accessible network configured and the IP is accessible from the host. After startup the UI can be accessed with first IP listed under IPv4.

Display IP
multipass info direktiv

Name:           direktiv
State:          Running
Release:        Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Image hash:     345fbbb6ec82 (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
CPU(s):         4
Load:           0.53 0.51 0.25
Disk usage:     5.0GiB out of 9.5GiB
Memory usage:   2.1GiB out of 3.8GiB

Enabling Proxy

Enabling a proxy has to be done by changing the cloud-init file manually. The first step is to download the file from Github with e.g. curl.

Download Cloud-Init
curl > myinit.yaml

The proxy configuration values need to be added as a file under /env. The following snippet is an example for such a configuration.

Proxy YAML
- encoding: b64
  content: SCRIPT
  path: /home/
  permissions: '0755'
- path: /env
  content: |
  append: true

After changing the file multipass requires this file instead of the default one.

Custom Cloud-Init
multipass launch --cpus 4 --disk 20G --memory 6G --name direktiv --cloud-init myinit.yaml


Multipass can not read and use files in the /tmp directory. Do not place the custom init file in /tmp.

Enabling API Key

To add an API key it is also required to create a custom cloud-init configuration like the proxy does. The required variables is APIKEY.

- encoding: b64
  content: SCRIPT
  path: /home/
  permissions: '0755'
- path: /env
  content: |
  append: true

Deleting Multipass Intance

To remove the instance the delete and purge command is required.

Delete Multipass Instance
multipass delete direktiv
multipass purge

Docker registry

Direktiv pulls containers from a registry and use them as functions in flows. For development purposes the direktiv docker container as well as the multipass instances come with a registry installed. It is accessible via :31212. The value for is either the localhost for Docker or the IP of the multipass instance.

To test the local repository the golang example from direktiv-apps can be used:

git clone

docker build bash/ -t <IP>:31212/bash

docker push <IP>:31212/bash

# confirm upload
curl http://<IP>:31212/v2/_catalog

Multipass Instances

Docker doesn not support pushing to http registries. Therefore it has to be added as an insecure registry to the docker service. Add something like the following to /etc/docker/daemon.json and restart the Docker service.

  "insecure-registries" : [""]

Testing Configuration

To test if everything is working this example creates a namespace and a flow and executes it. The value for <ADDRESS> has to be replaced with either localhost:8080 for Docker or the IP of the multipass instance.

Testing Installation
# create namespace 'test'
curl -X PUT http://<ADDRESS>/api/namespaces/test

# create the workflow file
cat > helloworld.yml <<- EOF
direktiv_api: workflow/v1
- id: get
  type: reusable
- id: getter
  type: action
    function: get
      - command: echo Hello

# upload flow
curl -X PUT  --data-binary @helloworld.yml "http://<ADDRESS>/api/namespaces/test/tree/test?op=create-workflow"

# execute flow (initial call will be slightly slower than subsequent calls)
curl "http://<ADDRESS>/api/namespaces/test/tree/test?op=wait"