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Direktiv namespaces allow you the flexibility to divide projects, teams or use-cases. These spaces are totally seperate and independent of each other in terms of e.g. flows, secrets and services. You can easily create a namespace using the user interface or through an API call.

Namespaces come in two different types. The standard version only stores data in Direktiv, while the mirror namespaces use Git as their source of truth for configuration and flows. It is recommended to use Git-backed namespaces for projects but for this guide a standard namespace will suffice.

Create Standard Namespace

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/api/namespaces/demo"


  "namespace":  {
    "createdAt":  "2023-02-23T08:47:05.490124153Z",
    "updatedAt":  "2023-02-23T08:47:05.490124801Z",
    "name":  "demo",
    "oid":  ""

Server Name

Please adjust the server name to your environment if you are not using the all-in-one image for this "Getting Started" guide.

Create Mirror (Git) Namespace

To create a Git namespace Direktiv requires at least the two attributes url and ref. The ref value is the tag, branch or commit to use as the base whereas the url points to the Git repository to use. If there are only those two attributes provided the access to the repository needs to be public.

Public Git

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/namespaces/demo \
--data-binary @- << EOF
    "url": "", 
    "ref": "main" 

If it is a private repository Direktiv requires either passphrase, which can be Github or Gitlab token or a publicKey/privateKey combination where the public key is registered with the Git instance.

Private Git with Token

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/namespaces/demo \
--data-binary @- << EOF
    "url": "", 
    "ref": "main",
    "passphrase": "abhsh2763gshs"

GitLab Passphrases

GitLab requires a username for the token. The username needs to be prepended like username:glpat-152zshj2756

Delete Namespace

Delting a namepsace with the API is very simple. The command requires the recursive attribute if there is already content in the namespace.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/namespaces/demo?recursive=true