Google Cloud EventArc
To send Google Cloud Audit log events to EventArc you will need a container service running on Cloud Run. We provide you a container located at ''. That container's job is to read the cloud event it receives and relays it back to a Direktiv service.
Setup Audit Logs to be managed
Read policy file to /tmp/policy.yaml
gcloud projects get-iam-policy PROJECT_ID > /tmp/policy.yaml
Add the follow section above 'bindings:'
- auditLogConfigs:
- logType: ADMIN_READ
- logType: DATA_WRITE
- logType: DATA_READ
Set the new policy
gcloud projects set-iam-policy PROJECT_ID /tmp/policy.yaml
Setup Configs for Gcloud to run properly
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
gcloud config set run/region us-central1
gcloud config set run/platform managed
gcloud config set eventarc/location us-central1
Configure the Cloud Run Service
Using Authentication
Create a secret to use as the DIREKTIV_TOKEN
gcloud secrets create DIREKTIV_TOKEN \
Create a file that contains the ACCESS_TOKEN generated from Direktiv that has 'namespaceEvent' privilege. I chose to create the file as '/tmp/ac'.
Add the secret data to the secret
gcloud secrets versions add DIREKTIV_TOKEN --data-file=/tmp/ac
Create a Cloud Run Service
Deploy the container to your environment
gcloud beta run deploy event-arc-listener --image \
--set-env-vars "DIREKTIV_NAMESPACE=trent" \
--set-env-vars "DIREKTIV_ENDPOINT=" \
Create a Trigger for the Cloud Run Service
Create a new trigger to listen for storage events on this project.
gcloud eventarc triggers create storage-upload-trigger \
--destination-run-service=event-arc-listener \
--destination-run-region=us-central1 \
--event-filters="" \
--event-filters="" \
--event-filters="methodName=storage.objects.create" \
Note: Keep in mind this trigger will take 10 minutes to work
Create this simple workflow that gets executed when it receives a cloud-event of a specific type.
id: listen-for-event
description: Listen to a custom cloud event
type: event
state: helloworld
- id: helloworld
type: noop
transform: 'jq({ result: . })'